
Yue Xia

Yue Xia, clarinetist and chamber music artist, started to learn the piano at the age of 3 and the clarinet at the age of 8. He was enrolled at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and learned after professor Zhao Zengmao. At the invitation of professor Ronald Van Spaendonck, he studied for the Double Clarinets Diploma at the Royal de Mons Conservatory, from the École Supérieure des Arts, and at the École Normale de Musique de Paris in 2013-2016.

He has held both solo and chamber music concerts in Belgium and France for many times. As the Principal Clarinetist of the Royal de Mons Conservatory Orchestra he performed in many countries. In 2016, he finished his master’s degree at the Conservatoire Royal de Mons. He also graduated from the École Normale de Musique de Paris in the same year, and obtained the Diplome Superieur of Clarinet and won the L’unanimite and Scholarship.

In 2016, he studied for the Master Degree in Chámber Music from the École Normale de Musique de Paris and learned after professor Nina Patarcec. He also learned bass clarinet performance, after the famous bass clarinet professor Jean-Marc Volta in the same year. In June 2017, he obtained the Diplome Superieur of Chamber Music from the École Normale de Musique de Paris. After returning to China in June 2018, as a freelance artist, he established his RVS Studio with tutor Ronald Van Spaendonck and devoted to the performance and teaching activities of clarinet and chamber music. In 2019, he was invited to become the first Chinese clarinetist to give a master class at the Royal de Mons Conservatory from the École Supérieure des Arts.